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Juvenile Division - Citation by Publication - From September 16, 2024


Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No. DN23 06 532.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division.

To: Ashley Porter, last known address 1127 Pulley Place, SE, Canton, OH 44707.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, Ohio 44306, states a certain child to wit: Coraline Porter born June 11, 2023, has been found to be Dependent and whereas a Motion for Permanent Custody has been filed. Father of said child is Robert Soliday. Said motion will be set for a hearing on October 7, 2024 at 9:00 a.m., at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. Ashley Porter is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary in person between 8:00 p.m. and 4:30 p.m. MONDAY - FRIDAY.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to an adoption of the child will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Marcie Ford, SCCS Paralegal

By: Callie Gerzanics, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 07 517.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe, Alleged Father, last known address unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Brennan Campbell, Jr. born July 9, 2024

The complaint alleges Dependency/Neglect/Abuse of the child(ren), Brennan Campbell, Jr., DOB: 7/9/2024 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Bethany Payne. Said motion will be set for a hearing on October 10, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. before Magistrate McCarty at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe, Alleged Father is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Marcie Ford, SCCS Paralegal

By: Charity Bibbee, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 08 555.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe and Markus Cosby aka Cosby Markus, addresses unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Naomi Davis born July 13, 2023

The complaint alleges Dependency/Abuse of the child(ren), Naomi Davis, DOB: 7/13/2023 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Nasheemia Davis. Said motion will be set for a hearing on September 30, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. before Magistrate Mendlik at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe and Markus Cosby aka Cosby Markus is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Susan Shea, Legal Support Specialist

By: Dorothy Askew, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 07 509/508/510.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe, address unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Nymir Whittaker, DOB: 5/22/2021, Nyala Whittaker, DOB: 1/21/2023 and Ronzell Whittaker, DOB: 6/2/2024 

The complaint alleges Dependency/Abuse of the child Ronzell Whittaker, DOB: 6/2/2024 and Dependency of the children Nymir Whittaker, DOB: 5/22/2021 and Nyala Whittaker, DOB: 1/21/2023 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Nyla Whittaker. Said motion will be set for a hearing on October 15, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. before Magistrate McCarty at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Marcie Ford, SCCS Paralegal

By: Charity Bibbee, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 08 585.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe, address unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Elizabeth Gouvas born August 21, 2020

The complaint alleges Dependency of the child(ren), Elizabeth Gouvas, DOB: 8/21/2020 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Lorena Gouvas. Said motion will be set for a hearing on October 22, 2024 at 2:00 p.m. before Magistrate McCarty at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Susan Shea, SCCS Legal Support Specialist

By: Charity Bibbee, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 08 583.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe, Alleged Father, last known address is unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Cole Lansinger born May 30, 2017

The complaint alleges Dependency of the child(ren), Cole Lansinger, DOB: 5/30/2017 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Kelli Datsko. Said motion will be set for a hearing on October 31, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. before Magistrate Lynd-Robinson at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe, Alleged Father is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Susan Shea, SCCS Legal Support Specialist

By: Charity Bibbee, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 08 565/564/566.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe, Alleged Father, last known address is unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Elijah Hoover, DOB: 3/25/2021, Alannah Hoover, DOB: 9/23/2023 and Emree Hoover, DOB: 8/9/2022 

The complaint alleges Dependency of the child(ren), Elijah Hoover, DOB: 3/25/2021, Alannah Hoover, DOB: 9/23/2023 and Emree Hoover, DOB: 8/9/2022 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Ashley Hoover. Said motion will be set for a hearing on November 1, 2024 at 3:00 p.m. before Magistrate Lynd-Robinson at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe, Alleged Father is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Susan Shea, SCCS Legal Support Specialist

By: Charity Bibbee, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 08 567.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe and Michael Maroushe, addresses unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Zayne Rutherford born May 4, 2017

The complaint alleges Dependency/Neglect/Abuse of the child(ren), Zayne Rutherford, DOB: 5/4/2017 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Katelyn Rutherford. Said motion will be set for a hearing on October 15, 2024 at 3:30 p.m. before Magistrate McCarty at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe and Michael Maroushe are ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Susan Shea, SCCS Legal Support Specialist

By: Charity Bibbee, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024



Revised Code, Sec. 2151..28-.29

Case No(s). DN24 08 571.

Court of Common Pleas, County of Summit, State of Ohio, Juvenile Division

To: John Doe, address unknown.

Whereas, a complaint, duly verified according to law, has been filed in this Court, by Summit County Children Services located at 264 S. Arlington Street, Akron, OH 44306 states that certain child(ren) to wit: Mary Jane King born May 19, 2024

The complaint alleges Dependency of the child(ren), Mary Jane King, DOB: 5/19/2024 and requests Temporary Custody to SCCS. If the child(ren) is/are adjudicated abused, neglected or dependent and the Complaint seeks an order for temporary custody, an order of temporary custody will cause the removal of the child(ren) from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. A case plan may be prepared for the child(ren) with requirements to address Abuse/Neglect/Dependency concerns, and possible consequences of failure to comply with the journalized case plan could be removal of the child from the legal custody of the parents, guardian or other custodian until the court terminates the order of temporary custody or permanently divests the parents of their parental rights. Mother of said child(ren) is Cynthia Kinyk. Said motion will be set for a hearing on October 9, 2024 at 11:00 a.m. before Magistrate Lynd-Robinson at 650 Dan Street, Akron, Ohio 44310. John Doe is ordered to appear before said Court on said date and show cause why this motion should not be granted.

You are hereby notified that:

1. You are entitled to an attorney in all proceedings in Juvenile Court. The Court will appoint an attorney to provide legal representation if you are indigent and meet certain requirements. For appointment of counsel contact the judicial secretary, in person between 8:00 A.M. and 4:30 P.M. MONDAY-FRIDAY, and if you have any questions call the Juvenile Court at (330) 643-2900.

2. If the Court grants the Motion for Permanent Custody all parental duties, obligations, privileges and rights, including the right to consent to adoption of the child(ren) will be permanently terminated.


Approved: Marcie Ford, SCCS Paralegal

By: Charity Bibbee, Summit County Juvenile Court Deputy Clerk

Sep 16, 2024


